Being Icelandic

Being Icelandic

# FunIcelandFact

The first settlers of Iceland believed that the land was populated by invisible beings called Landvættir or Land Spirits. It was important to get along with these beings as they could help you survive on the island.

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# FunIcelandFact

Dried fish was one of the main foods of Icelanders throughout the ages. It is still a local favorite!

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# FunIcelandFact

There are many strange sea monsters in the waters around Iceland including the Seal-Women, the Mer-men and the Nykur or Water horse!

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Basic Introduction

One hour lecture plus discussion time.

Simple Evening Class

One evening, 3 hours on the basics of Icelandic life through the ages.

Three Evenings

Over the course of 3 evenings, a total of 9 hours, you will learn how history, the invironment and the weather have shaped the Icelandic attitude to life.

The Ancient Gods and Goddesses

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Our Clients Belive Us

Sonali Monali

Graphics Designer, Dribble

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Ray Lee

UI/UX Designer, Themeforest

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Patrick Smith

CEO, XYZ Company

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To help you connect with Iceland and its people

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ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip